The Essential School of Painting: Links 1 and 2
From today to Weds 20th June there is a huge exhibition by students of the Essential School of Painting at the Art Pavilion in Mile End Park. You’ll find it just north of Mile End Tube, behind the Texaco petrol station, facing the end of Litchfield Road. A second exhibition of even more work runs from Friday 23rd June to Tues 27th. Both exhibitions are open 11am – 6pm every day.

I visited the first exhibition the day it opened and was really impressed by the quality and variety of the paintings on display.
The photo at the top of this article shows just one example. This painting of people on an underground train is by Romilly Smith, who says: “As a painter with a particular interest in figurative work, I hope to make paintings that retain the energy of the lived experience.”
The Essential School of Painting is based in Wood Green and runs a huge range of courses.
Alan Tucker