In 2014 a temporary structure called the Common Room was erected in the corner of the triangular car park at the junction of St Stephen’s Road and Roman Road. The project was started as part of joint project between Roman Road Trust, London Metropolitan University, Clarion and the Council’s Enterprise Team. It’s been used as a classroom, playspace and for workshops. As you can see in the photo below it’s become a bit dilapidated.

The Roman Road Trust have launched a crowdfunding campaign to replace the structure with something much better. It will cost £77,261, but the great news is that the Mayor of London has just pledged £50k towards it. The aim is to transform The Common Room into a fully-functional cultural learning facility for local people. The project is a partnership between Roman Road Trust & Public Works. The Common Room can be used for jumble sales, classes, workshops, training sessions, children’s parties, supper clubs and exhibitions – all things which can bring the community together.
At time of writing, including the Mayor’s £50k, over £60k has been raised so far.
Donate to the Common Room funding here. Pledges will only be charged if the project hits its funding target.
Rosie Vincent, Managing Director of Roman Road Trust said: “Receiving the maximum pledge of £50k from the Mayor of London proves how vital this project is to help benefit residents, businesses, and community groups in Roman Road.
“The Common Room is a project that has been trying to happen for over six years. We are so proud to know the Mayor of London also agrees it is time for this space to become what it truly deserves to be.”

Personally, I think there are enough community spaces in the area. These sort of spaces really do bring the area together, but there are lots nearby sitting empty. Many are poorly managed, but that is another manner. I’d rather see the money spent elsewhere.