The Geezers acted out their own version of the Calendar Boys last week at The Eleanor Arms on Old Ford Road. Artist Louse Gridley worked with the boys to create their own Calendar for 2016.
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The Geezers are working to highlight the demise of the East End Public House. Share your stories and pictures of what the local pubs meant to you at
The Geezers acted out their own version of the Calendar Boys last week at The Eleanor Arms on Old Ford Road. Artist Louse Gridley worked with the boys to create their own Calendar for 2016.
Read moreThe Roman Road Festival has sent out a big thankyou to all its supporters – stallholders, visitors, performers, community contributors and everyone that helped in one way or another to make it a success.
Read moreThe Geezers Where’s My Boozer Gone? campaign took to the road in artist Lucy Schofield’s taxi at the Roman Road Festival last Sunday. In collaboration with the Geezers Lucy is going
Read moreThe Kings Arms was situated at 167 Bow Road. Did you use the pub? What happened there? Who socialised there? If you have any memories of the pub Where’s My Boozer Gone? is
Read moreSpotted at the New Globe, Mile End by Susan Morley-Wheeler and uploaded onto Where’s my Boozer Gone Facebook page . As she says, brings back memories.
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