Scams to rise after free TV licences for OAPs end Back in July it was being reported that the BBC have changed rules so that only over-75s on pension credit could get free TV. Age
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Scams to rise after free TV licences for OAPs end Back in July it was being reported that the BBC have changed rules so that only over-75s on pension credit could get free TV. Age
Read moreGuided Walk: Reaching into the Abyss On Saturday 19th Jan 2019 David Charnick (top photo) will run a guided walk which he describes as: “An exploration of Victorian philanthropy in the dark area that clung
Read moreBarrie Stradling’s 60th Last week the Geezers celebrated, Barrie Stradling’s 60th birthday party at Millwall FC. Money was raised for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness (FASD). A good time was had by all. Fraud Alert –
Read moreThe sheer amount online fraud and street robberies going on leaves the police struggling to cope. A partial solution is to help prevent people from becoming the victims of crime. Some useful recent advice is
Read moreThe local police have sent us this message: “LBTH Neighbourhood Watch have received reports of a potential scam whereby a woman has been knocking door-to-door in and around the Bow area claiming to be collecting
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