On their outing to Hastings, the Geezers and a coachload of Bow’s finest braved the worst May weather in living memory. (A slight exaggeration but it was horrible.) The first summer seaside trip of 2024
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On their outing to Hastings, the Geezers and a coachload of Bow’s finest braved the worst May weather in living memory. (A slight exaggeration but it was horrible.) The first summer seaside trip of 2024
Read moreThe Geezers Club with financial help from Action For Bow provides summer coach trips to popular seaside destinations for Bow West residents. A limited amount of places are available on each trip and the subsidised
Read moreUnusually it was on a Monday (27th November) rather than a Tuesday that the Bow Geezers were fortunate enough to squeeze in just one more 2023 excursion. So, at 9:30am on a grey and wet winter’s day, why not start the week with an outing to Kingston Upon Thames to sample its Christmas Market – to add a little bit of colour in the run up to the
Read moreThe Geezers go to Maldon 20th September And so, for the very final daytrip of summer 2023, it was a windswept, slightly overcast day. But as we set off, similarly to the last trip, the
Read moreThe Geezers went to Eastbourne 12th September For the final daytrip of summer 2023, the Bow Geezers and friends boarded their Action for Bow funded coach bound for Eastbourne. Gloomy weather and a complicated getoff
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