If you live locally – somewhere close to Upton Lane, Forest Gate – the Old Spotted Dog will be familiar to you. Sadly for well over 10 years, since it closed, it has gradually deteriorated. Nothing ever seems improve – the place continues to crumble.
Well enough is enough.
A small group of locals have decided to do our utmost to save this building and, somehow, to bring it back into use. In order to do this we will use all of the ‘social media’ possible and good old fashioned public meetings.
We are in the early stages of this campaign, but we have a FaceBook group (Save the Spotted Dog) and this site, and we had a very successful and extremely well attended public meeting on September 25th where we kicked the campaign off properly in the presence of Lyn Brown MP, who showed a great deal of interest in the plight of this sadly dilapidated building.
There are many rumours about ownership and plans for the Old Spotted Dog – we will attempt on this site only to present the facts.
We need as much support as we can muster – campaigns have, we know, been launched before. Let’s make this the one that makes the difference. Please join our group, come to our meetings, comment freely and generously in all forums and tell all of your friends that we have accepted for too long that the Old Spotted Dog now looks like this….

does anyone know who actually owns the spotted dog ? It is a building that has a long history and should be under the protection of the boroughs conservation department at the very least, maybe If they had some balls it would be,it also comes under the remit of English heritage, It is possible to issue an enforcement notice on the building, which can be followed by court action and the taking over the building from the uncaring owners,again this should be in the process, with a bit of luck now we are getting out of the EU our own heritage will count for something once again.
I was born in Stratford in 1949 I lived at 82 ham park road before moving to gower rd I remember the big flagstone floor in the 50s it was in the 50& 60 a very busy pub
I hope it doesn’t get built on it is my heratige and others but the younger ones don’t care about that what will we do next build houses over West Ham park
I spent many a happy hour in the Spotted Dog. As part of the Football fraternity, who used the adjoining Stadium. As a Player, Referee and Team Manager. This was the Home of Clapton FC who played in some of the Senior Leagues in non League Football over the years. This again is part of our Eastend Heritage which must be SAVED. Ray Gipson