Geezers Organised Activities Jan – Dec 2018
January 2018
Weekly Weight Training sessions at gym in Bethnal Green for men over 55 – continues every month.

4 Bow Bowls Sessions Mondays 8th/ 15th/22nd and 29th January 2018.
February 2018
Weekly weight Training sessions at gym for men over 55.
Wednesday 28th February: Men’s Health Forum in conjunction with Bromley By Bow Centre at IDEA Store (slide from presentation below).

Two new members joined The Geezers: Lloyd French, and Roy Feltwell.
4 Bow Bowls Sessions Mondays 5th/ 12th/19th and 26th February 2018.
March 2018
Weekly weight Training sessions at gym in Bethnal Green.
Thursday 1st March – Saturday 17th March 2018: Katja Rosenberg’s Exhibition at Mile End Art Pavilion. Geezers invited and 4 Attended.

Friday 2nd March 2018 2pm: Men’s Health Forum in conjunction with Bromley By Bow Centre, Bow School, Katja Rosenberg and Michelle Reader for Prostate Cancer Wicker Man Project at school in conjunction with The Geezers.
Friday 2nd March 6pm – 8,30pm. Loraine Leeson: book launch, symposium and conversation on art and social change. Geezers were invited two attended

Saturday 3rd March: 360 seconds to tell your tale to a captive, appreciative and generous audience.
Thursday 8th March 2018 10.30am – 11.30am Beer Barrels and Brewhouses booklet launch at The White Hart One Mile End Brew House. This is excellent, well illustrated and informative. You can view it online here. Geezers were invited 5 attended.

Saturday 10th March Film Faraway Film Festival featuring animations and artist films inspired by cultures around the globe.
Friday 29th March 2018 2pm Men’s Health Forum in conjunction with Bromley By Bow Centre, Bow School, Katja Rosenberg and Michelle Reader for Prostate Cancer Wicker Man Project at school in conjunction with The Geezers
One new member joined The Geezers Michael Santry on 27th March 2018.
4 Bow Bowls Sessions Mondays 5th/ 12th/19th and 26th March 2018.
April 2018
Weekly weight Training sessions at gym in Bethnal Green for men over 55.
HereNow: Showcase Thurs 12th April 2018 SPACE Mare Street 4 Geezers Attended. Photo below.

Neighbours In Poplar at Hope and Anchor, Poplar. Any Old Irons Weds 18th & 25th April 2018 (phooto below).

One new member joined The Geezers; Anthony Morton on 3rd April 2018.
Bow Bowls Sessions five Mondays – 2nd April, 9th April, 16th April, 23rd April, & 30th April.
May 2018
Weekly weight Training sessions at gym in Bethnal Green for men over 55.
Neighbours In Poplar at Hope and Anchor Poplar with Any Old Irons.
Wednesday 2nd May 2018 / Wednesday 9th May 2018 / Wednesday 16th May 2018.
The Aberfeldy pub comes to life again as The Tommy Flowers.

A number of the Geezers went along to the opening of The Tommy Flowers pub on Thursday 3rd May 2018. It’s at 50 Aberfeldy Street, Poplar, London, E14 0NU. The previous pub, The Aberfeldy, was at 26 Aberfeldy Street and had been rebuilt in 1959 as part of the new estate. Prior to that it was on the corner of Aberfeldy Street at 357 East India Dock Road, as shown in the 1910 PO directory below.

Thurs 17th May 2018: The Geezers were invited to the early retirement reception of Malcolm Barr – Hamilton from the Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archives who has worked continuously with The Geezers over the years. Four of The Geezers went to the Event.
Tues 22nd May 2018: The Geezers attended an event organised by Bromley By Bow Centre Health and Well Being Communities Driving Change. This was at St Paul’s Church Bow, and was attended by 14 Geezers.
Tues 29th May 2018: The Geezers went on a coach trip to Maidstone / Pole Hill.
Bow Bowls Sessions Mondays 14th May and 21st May 2018.
June 2018
Weekly weight Training sessions at gym in Bethnal Green for men over 55.
Tuesday 19th June 2018: The Geezers went on a coach trip to Broadstairs

Tuesday 26th June 2018, Geezers intergenerational involvement with Men’s Health Forum for prostate cancer. This was in conjunction with Bromley By Bow Centre and Bow School. Present were artists Neil Irons and Michelle Reader, Naomi Mead from BBB Centre, and Jim Morris (Assistant Head Teacher Bow School), along with 10 Geezers and numerous year 9 pupils of Bow School. See photos and read more in our previous post.
Bow Bowls Sessions four Mondays – 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th June 2018
July 2018
Weekly weight Training sessions at gym in Bethnal Green for men over 55.
Tuesday 3rd July: Eight Geezers attended Bow School. This time the pupils and the Geezers were working to create models and metal figures that will be part of the giant sculpture to highlight the neglected issue of men’s health. After this session the two artists will now take the models and the ideas away to actually build the finished sculpture.

Wednesday 4th July Community Insights Network – Knowledge Sharing Event at Bromley By Bow Centre Church Two Geezers attended this.
Tuesday 10th July Boat Trip. City Cruise via Sister Christine Neighbours In Poplar, Tower Pier to Westminster Pier to see RAF 100th Anniversary Flypast Display.
Thursday 12th July Summer Tea Dance at York Hall via Age UK East London Link Age.
Tuesday 17th July Geezers and Bow Bowls went on a coach trip to Clacton.
Bow Bowls 5 Sessions: Mondays 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th July.
August 2018
Weekly weight training sessions at gym in Bethnal Green.
Tuesday 21st August 2018 Geezers and Bow Bowls went on a coach trip to Ramsgate
One new member joined The Geezers: Simon Halliwell 21st August 2018
Bow Bowls three Sessions Mondays – 6th,13th and 20th August 2018.
September 2018
Weekly weight Training sessions at gym in Bethnal Green for men over 55.
Tuesday 4th September The Geezers went on a Discover London walking tour.
Thursday 6th September The Geezers visited Toynbee Hall Participatory Action. They were helping researchers identify the needs of older people in Tower Hamlets.
Geezers went to Mile Archive Library for Book Launch Of Kate Thompson’s new book Stepney Doorstep Society (photo below).

Tuesday 18th September 2018 The Geezers and Bow Bowls went on a coach trip to Southend.
Wed 26th September 2018 A group of the Geezers went to visit the proposed location for the sculpture for the Men’s Health Project at Bow School (photo below).

One new member joined The Geezers: John Forster 18th September 2018
Bow Bowls four sessions on Mondays – 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th September 2018
October 2018
Weekly weight Training sessions at gym in Bethnal Green for men over 55 every month
Sat 6th October 2018. Geezers attended the open day at the Friends of the Island History Trust (below).

Tuesday 30th October 2018 Men’s Health Project launch at Bow School. Photos below.

Bow Bowls five sessions Mondays– 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th October 2018
November 2018
Weekly weight Training sessions at gym in Bethnal Green for men over 55.
Thursday 8th November 2018: ‘Things Invisible To The Naked Eye’ 2pm – 4pm at Bromley By Bow Centre (photo below).

Seven Geezers attended this over 60s Science Club run by scientist Dr Van De Merwe.
Friday 16th November 2018, Four Geezers plus Loraine Leeson attended the Caxton Hall. They were interviewed about the long running Active Energy project by Karen Thomas, Editor of Environment Magazine. It was for an edition about renewable energy due out in February 2019.
Friday 23rd November 2018: The Geezers pictured below attended a photoshoot at the House Mill for an art project to highlight the working parts of the mill.

Mock ups in wood were of the working parts were constructed. Photographs were taken in conjunction with University of East London, with Danish artist in residency at The House Mill Cecilie Gravesen and New York Photographer Robin Stein. One of their photos is below. The sessions also included recorded interviews with The Geezers.

Bow Bowls four sessions Mondays – 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th November 2018.
December 2018
Weekly weight Training sessions at gym in Bethnal Green for men over 55.
Wednesday 5th December 2018: Christmas Bingo at Old Bethnal Green Hotel 2pm – 4pm
Thursday 6th December: Music of Childhood at Museum of Childhood 5.30pm – 6.30pm followed by
Christmas Drinks at Old Bethnal Green Hotel 6.30pm – 8pm
Sunday 9th December 2018. St Paul’s Church Christmas Carol Concert.
Tuesday 11th December: Mulled Wine and Choir at Caxton Hall with Age UK East London, 1.30pm – 2.30pm. Also some Geezers attended a Carol Concert at the Eleanor Arms by the choir of St Paul’s Church (Bow)
Friday 14th December: Age UK East London – Christmas Carols and Cake at St Paul’s Church 2pm – 4pm
Tuesday 18th December 2018: The Geezers Christmas lunch 2.30pm at Eagle Snaresbrook

Bow Bowls three sessions; Mondays 3rd, 10th and 17th December 2018
The diary of the many speakers and visitors who kindly came to the Geezers regular meetings is here.