The Geezers, a social group of elderly men in Bow East London, are raising money for the Alzheimer’s Society. We will walk around Victoria Park as many times as we can. We’re doing this in
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A great day out in Hastings
When the Geezers arranged this season’s coach trips we thought Hastings would be popular daytrip. How right we were. Another full coach left Bow dead on time on Tues 1st August at 9am and arrived
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Ahoy there Geezers!
The Geezers decided to test their sea legs and hit the water with a visit to the Norfolk Broads. The group spent two days on a broads cruiser called the Galway Girl. They took the
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The Geezers go to Biscuit Town
Who wouldn’t want to visit a biscuit museum! Geezers Chair Eddie Snooks, although an East London boy, has always remembered the sweet aroma of the Peek Frean biscuit factory in Bermondsey. His mum and dad
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Stepney City Farm Eid Party
This week the Geezers were invited to Stepney City Farm for an Eid Party and Summer Celebration for everyone involved in the community beds. The event was co-hosted by the Farm and Ocean Women’s Association.
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