A year on from the Olympics and you can begin to get a taste of what the the Olympic Legacy might mean for East London as they open a small area of the park to the public. You can now visit the newly opened Northern Parklands in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, with its new Unity Kitchen Cafe and Tumbling Bay playground.
Or make a visit to the Copper Box to see basketball, badminton or boxing. You can also get fit in its gym or take part in the other sporting activities on offer.
The work on the park is continuing through to next Spring when the rest of it will be open to the public.
What do you think of it so far. Are they delivering the Olympic legacy we hoped for?
If you go there send us your pictures and we’ll put them on the site.
Find out more about the park, future events and what it will look like in 2014 by visiting the Park Website. Where you can also find out about local residents’ meetings about the development of the park.