Old Ford Neighbourhood Project volunteers and Geezers’ canal boat trip

Two red canal boats with passengers sat in the front.

The Geezers and volunteers from our Old Ford Neighbourhood project enjoyed a day out on the local canals. Two narrow boats full of geezers and guests set sail for the River Lee.

The sun shone as we glided through the water. We are grateful to Laburnum Boat Club and Marnie, Beth and Connor for steering us smoothly from Old Ford, through the Hertford Union to the Hackney Cut and up towards the River Lee. And of course, the Geezers were on hand to help work the locks along the way.

Eddie enjoyed a well-deserved rest on the lock steps but nearly missed the boat!

Two canal boats with members of the geezers already on board pass Eddie stood on the bank by the lock.

We set off from Old Ford Lock, which has changed since the 1950s photo below. The chimney, serving the steam engine which pumped water back up the canal to ensure an adequate supply, is long gone. Restall, Brown and Clennel’s furniture factory and sawmill opposite are now houses. The Crickets Pub is now converted to flats and Victoria Park trees have grown. However, the lock cottage, forge and workers’ lobby buildings are all still there.

1950s black and white photo of canal, large chimney on right of image. Factories on left of image.

The trip brought back memories of the industries which once lined the canal. Especially the huge timber yards and sawmills, as well as sunny days crossing the bridges into Vicky Park.

Man stands on a canal boat in front of pile of timber. Man appears small in scale in comparison to the timber.

There were stories about fishing, and we spotted large carp in the Cut giving us a send off from Old Ford Lock. On board was Carol Belcher who told us some stories about her work at Lesney Matchbox. If anyone remembers working at the factory please get in touch!

Green water with three carp.

The trip also brought memories of the Geezer’s previous outings with Laburnum Boat Club. We unearthed a photo from 2013 of Ray Gibson, our first Chair, with Carolyn Clark and another from 2016 with the Geezers and Carolyn. Carolyn continues to gather knowledge and stories of the past from the Geezers.

Three people (Ray Gibson, Carolyn Clark and other) sit on a canal boat in sunshine.
11 people sit on the front of a canal boat named opportunity. Group is turned to listed to woman (Carolyn Clark).

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