The Trustees of Action for Bow are pleased to invite applications from organisations for funding to provide services or activities for residents In Bow East or West from January 2024.

Action for Bow Grant Funding Opportunities for Activities 2024
The closing date for submission for Action for Bow funding round is Friday 29 September 2023.
Action for Bow was established in 2004 by Tower Hamlets Housing Action Trust to provide support for community and economic development work in Bow. Action for Bow is a charitable trust regulated by the Charity Commissioners. Its charitable objectives are based on the twin themes of urban regeneration and community capacity building and it operates in the wards of Bow East and Bow West in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
Strategic Aims of Action for Bow
Action for Bow primarily supports not for profit organisations e.g. charities, community organisations, voluntary organisations or social enterprises etc with a set of rules or constitution. Action for Bow is interested in supporting projects that will benefit the residents of Bow East and Bow West and meet the following objectives:
- improve the health and social wellbeing of local people
- increase prosperity in the area, including job opportunities, access to good quality training and access to appropriate financial support and guidance
- improve opportunities for young people, including educational attainment and personal development
- reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
- provide recreational and leisure opportunities
- improve the physical environment and encourage long-term sustainability measures
- contribute to building and sustaining a vibrant inclusive local community
Action for Bow has been set up in the context of a regeneration programme that has been active over the past eleven years. It will give priority to projects that continue and develop service provision that has already been established, given that they are demonstrably effective.
All projects are expected to deliver value for money in terms of the level of projected benefits in relation to the amount of grant requested. Also larger projects are expected to provide a high level of match funding e.g. at least 50%.
Action for Bow aims to fund a balanced portfolio of projects, which reflect the breadth of its strategic aims and charitable objectives and which reach all sections of the community.
Action for Bow will also target projects which can demonstrate that they are part of a long term programme of improvement in the area, that are linked into wider partnerships and that include, if appropriate, mechanism for continuing funding in the long term. In respect of larger projects, Action for Bow would not normally wish to be the sole funder and would want to see evidence of other funding commitments.
Links with other programmes
Action for Bow will ensure that funding is complementary to other regeneration programmes. In particular, it will seek to complement the Tower Hamlets Community Plan and the LAP 5 Local Area Plan and will respond as these programmes change over time. However, it will also take into account the aspirations of local people and will support projects that are championed by the local community.
All projects must achieve one or more of the following objectives:
1. Economic Development
- maximising the number of local residents in employment
- improving the skills base amongst local people
- maximising income potential for local households
2. Young people
- providing a variety of daytime and evening activities to suit a range of tastes
- reducing crime and antisocial behaviour and encouraging civic responsibility
- providing advice and guidance on health issues such as drugs, alcohol and sexual health
- supporting local youth services providers
- supporting the Local Area Plan for youth
- improving facilities for childcare and play
- improving educational attainment
- supporting the development of local schools and nurseries
- Older people
- providing recreational and educational facilities targeted at older people
- providing additional health education and support for older people
- providing support for vulnerable older people
4. Community safety
- supporting schemes that increase local residents’ personal safety
- improving the local environment
- promoting safety on the local canal and river banks
5. Community Development
- supporting festivals and celebrations
- providing small grants to local groups and local organisations
- supporting and fostering links between different sections of the community
- ensuring that local people can play an active part in the future plans for the area
Action for Bow will provide revenue grants to support salaries and other recurring expenditure. Action for Bow will not provide grants to individuals, but will provide grants to informal groups of local residents as well as to fully constituted organisations.
Grant Decisions:
Grants are available for projects starting from January 2024.
How Applications are assessed
- The completed application form will be submitted to Bromley by Bow Centre.
- The application will then be considered by the Action for Bow Assessment Panel, which will make a recommendation to the Trustees of Action for Bow who will decide whether or not a grant should be awarded and for what amount.
- If the recommendation is to award a grant, the Assessment Panel will include recommendations and conditions that the project must satisfy, normally before the Trustees approve any grant award.
- Applications are normally processed within 2 months of the submission deadline date.
- You will be informed in writing whether or not the application has been successful.
- If your application is successful, you will be sent a Funding Offer letter.
- You will be expected to submit quarterly monitoring reports on the progress, expenditure, activities, and outcomes of your project. Grant payments are made quarterly in arrears, based on the project’s expenditure in the previous quarter.
How to Apply
Please contact Ahmed Hussain to enquire about potential bids and to request the application form. There is also an Outputs List available. Ahmed is based at The Bromley by Bow Centre, St Leonard’s Street, London E3 3BT
Applications need to be returned by 29 September 2023.