Bow Church Chocolate Morning Sat 2nd March 11am-1pm.
Fairtrade say that the UK chocolate industry is worth £4bn a year, yet almost all cocoa farmers in West Africa live in poverty. Bow Church is open for Fairtrade coffee, cakes and other things chocolate. Visit to support Fairtrade cocoa farmers around the world.

Pancake Race Tues 5th March, Greenwich
The race is being held in Greenwich Market between 12 – 1pm. Turn up and spectate, or book here to take part!
Women of Note concert on Tues 12 March
One of my neighbours is singing in this City Chamber Choir celebration of women composers. It’s on at St Mary-le-Bow in Cheapside at 7pm. Tickets on the door £15. More info here.

Men’s woodwork Group
This starts on Tues 19th March 2019 at Create Place 29 Old Ford Road, E2 9PJ. They say; “Relaxed woodwork session for men aged 18+, meeting weekly to learn new skills. No experience necessary – come along to have a go at craft, model making, DIY techniques, group and individual projects. There are only 10 spaces available! Email for more information and to sign up.
Find out more about the QE Olympic Park
On Tues 19th March there’ll be roundtable discussions and a whole pile of stalls to visit from:
• East Wick and Sweetwater
• Chobham Manor
• The Yard Theatre, Hub67, The Hall
• Friends of Bow Back Rivers
• Centre for the Protection of Rural England
• Park Champions
• Lee and Stort
• UCL East
• Stratford Waterfront construction
• Get Living London- N06
• Pro Bike Service
• London Borough of Newham
There’s also a tour of the London Marathon Community Track but booking is essential. The event is at the Bobby Moore Academy (secondary school), 1 Siding Street, London, E20 2AE from 6 – 8.30pm. Reserve your free place here.