Tower Hamlets has published the results of the Liveable Streets Bow consultation which you can download as a pdf here.
They include recommendations for a “bus gate” at the junction of Roman Road and St Stephen’s Road operational Mon-Fri 6.30-9.30am and 2.30-7pm, pedestrian hours in the Roman Road Market everyday 10am-4.30pm, and the closure of Skew Bridge to traffic.
The Council has yet to post online the minutes of Wednesday’s Council Meeting. I now see that the Bow Liveable Streets consultation results will be discussed at the Tower Hamlets Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, 25th November.
Thanks for your comment Philip.
Thanks for writing Christine.
I am completely against the liveable streets program as are thousands of other residents, I filled out the proposal forms with a no to each and every question you are clearly making up the results to line your pockets with dirty money, hackney has been ruined because of roads closures and you have given absolutely no thought to the disabled and elderly residents who have visitors on a regular basis and the disabled who do drive like myself have a route to and from wherever they are going and believe me it’s the shortest route. changing roads only cause pollution on other streets if it isn’t broke don’t fix it, its gentrification getting rid of the locals from the area to move the money in you all at tower hamlets should be ashamed of yourselves the money would be better spent on youth clubs to combat knife crimes and looking after the elderly in care homes plus prevent the closures on pensioners luncheon clubs i for one will never vote for labour again
If Skew Bridge and Coborn Road are to be closed and a bus gate installed on Roman Road, how is one supposed to get from Old Ford to Bethnal Green?