There are lots of comments under our Where’s My Boozer Gone? story so far post. The most recent from Annie Green asks: “Anybody know about a pub called the Lady Coborn which was apparently on Old Ford Road, number 740. Which I think is now Wick Lane. I suspect it went during or after the last war. Any information gratefully received.”
I found a mention of Corborn Wharf below in a prewar PO directory. Then I found it in the PubWiki listed from 1871, but it seems to have disappeared in the 1930s. I couldn’t see the Lady Coborn in either my 1935 or 1939 directories. Can anybody help?

The map above is from a copy of the early 1960s Geographers’ Atlas of London I found in a charity shop.
Finally got there!
It’s listed under the Beer Retailers name, not the Lady Coborn.

Ted Murphy kindly posted up the old photo above on the Where’s My Boozer Gone Facebook Group