The Geezers set off last Sunday on a leg stretcher around Victoria Park, raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Society, and aren’t stickers brilliant.

Besuited in rather fetching Alzheimer’s Society T shirts, a clump of collectors weaved their way through the park crowd. Not everybody was interested, which is fair enough, but we found support especially from those that had personal experience of this terrible condition.
The Geezers have championed this cause several times.
We all know someone who suffers or had suffered with Alzheimer’s and it turned out that we were no different from anyone else.

The generosity of many was heartwarming, and yes, people do carry cash. Our tiny collection box was soon fluttering with tenners and jingling with small change.
Eight gallant Geezers departed our home station at Victoria Park Bowls Club (thanks for the hospitality, new members welcome!) and embarked on a circuit of the park. It wasn’t going to take that long, or so we thought. We hadn’t countered for Zaffer’s commitment to the task of sticking stickers on everyone we passed, or Paul’s newfound skills with QR codes.

One high point was the wonderful woman in the food market who donated a healthy portion of quiche with a heaving of salad, it kept us spritely at the midpoint.

The whole experience was thoroughly enjoyable and great fun.. The Geezers raised over a thousand pounds, way beyond the target we had set ourselves, so thanks to Brian Jolly and the bowls club and to Eddie Snooks for making it all work, and thanks to Zaffer and Becky for securing the beigels to feed those that took part.
The best bit: you didn’t always have to approach park lovers for a donation. We had one couple that caught us up (admittedly that was not difficult) and insisted on shoving money at us. Like so many, they had suffered in their family, and were genuinely pleased to see that someone was trying to help.
We had a great day for a brilliant cause, well done Geezers!!
Richard Jory