Last Tuesday the Geezers, yet again, headed for the coast for a great day out at the seaside.
Zaffer Hassan remembered the scene with Leslie Ash in the film Quadrophenia. A friendly postman gave the group directions to the shrine for mods, Quadrophenia Alley, another classic film location. Happily there were no fighting Mods and Rockers to spoil the day out.
Eddie said: “We did have a couple of seaside pints and we would recommend The Cricketers as a good choice.”
Barrie Stradling said; “The only Mods and Rockers memory I have was when I was at Margate with Mum and Dad days after Great Train Robbery of 8rd August 1963. I was only 4 and we got caught up in middle of a great big running battle.”
Eddie said: “I missed the mod era, but I did have a dead animals tail on an aerial attached to my Chopper bike.”
Roy said that he and Joy used to go to Brighton to dance to Eric Delaney and his band. He said his son had a chopper with a tail from a fur stole which also had feet.
Next Geezers outing is to Clacton.