You’re only 70 once and geezer member Jim deserved a birthday treat that was a bit different, ten pin bowling was right down our alley.
All Star Lanes Ten Pin Bowling Brick Lane

All star lanes Is a great place to spend an afternoon with cheap rates between 12 and 4.

The geezers have a lot of former Truman’s brewery workers so going to Brick Lane brought the memories back.

Seventeen of us rocked up including brand new member Dave Kinchlea.

We all have different abilities and as you can see from the scoreboards everyone was almost a winner.

It did get fairly competitive and we plan on having a rematch.
On the walk back we accidentally found ourselves in a pub.

Just like a pub should be with a fire in winter to help dry your coats, two brilliant kind barmaids,beer at sensible prices and history.
Try ten pin bowling yourselves it’s really easy and great fun.