Big Turnout for Ted Lewis’s Funeral Service

Boxer and Geezer Ted Lewis

Family, friends, ex-boxers and a contingent from the Geezers turned out today for the funeral service of Ted Lewis. Around 100 people went to the City of London Crematorium, Manor Park. My photo below shows Ted’s wife, Bett, centre with son Steve holding the floral tribute from the Geezers and other son Mark 2nd from right at the back. Some of Ted’s boxing pals are also in the picture.

Ted’s wife Bett Lewis centre, with their son Steve holding the floral tribute from the Geezers, and their son Mark 2nd from right at the back. Some of Ted’s boxer pals are also in the photo.

Ted was born in 1929 and in June 1940 he was evacuated to Devon where he sayed with the Cleeve family. Ted and Bett stayed in contact with the the Cleeves and it was brilliant that six of their descendents came up to the service (next photo).

Ted’s sister, Norma, wrote about her experience of being evacuated. Read Norma’s Story.

The Cleeve family from Devon

Ted boxed professionally, retiring from the ring in 1951. He spent 50 years working at Billingsgate fish market. He will be remembered as a kind and caring family man. Ted gave talks to youngsters at the Ragged School Museum, working with them from 1994 to 2007.  He also enjoyed gardening, pie and mash, and studied East End history.

Ted Lewis from the Ragged School Museum annual report 1999/2000

The sensitive service was conducted by James Hughesdon, the vicar of St Paul’s Church in St Stephen’s Road, Bow. He revealed that Ted read the classics throughout his life, as the result of finding a pile of old books in a trunk in Devon during WW2.

You can see Ted Lewis talking boxing to youngsters after 1 min 20 secs into this film.


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